We've been spending time keeping an eye on "da mudder's" grave. Still sinking!
With the rains we've had we even took a peek at Hi's grave. Not very happy with what we found! This was January!

We had more rains and this is what we found in March!

"Da Mudder's" grave has sunk in about 12 - 18 inches all around. You can make out the rectangle and it got to the point, where the grass wasn't being cut in her spot, because it was too low, so the weeds were growing up to make it look like it was level! These pictures were taken in March. It got worse than this too!

Hi's headstone fell in too! We called and requested they fix them.

March brought us a trip to Utah to help Julie move from St. George to Salt Lake. We moved her stuff to Heber and spent two nights at her Aunt Louise's. We were supposed to stay at Julie's dad's cabin, but the roads were too icy/snowy and we couldn't make it up the hill.

This is the moving van at the storage unit above, and this is the car in front of Aunt Louise's. Eddie was in Heaven. He loves weather.

We went over and took some pictures of Eddie's cabin in Heber!

At 5:30 a.m. we got a text message from Nini down in Orem. She was in labor and wanted a blessing. We braved the weather and drove down the canyon to oblige! She had the baby a few hours later....Samuel Liahona Mua.

We saw this when we were in Heber and Eddie wants one when we get our own house!

Ice Castles in Midway, UT

These were very cool! It's fountains that have frozen.

We met up with some of our former missionaries and took them to Brick Oven for lunch! It was good to see them and catch up on their lives.

We drove up to Jordanelle.

We went to Murray, Ut and delivered a box Sister Riches family. This is her dog Buddy! He's the cutest. He howled! Very funny!

We went with Julie to see "Prophet of the Restoration" at the JSMB. Took some cool pictures of the Salt Lake Temple.

Baby Samuel!

Back home, Eddie bbq'd for the missionaries!

It was delicious!!!

We went back to Utah for a quick turn around trip. Eddie had been asked to bless baby Samuel.
We didn't leave until noon because of work. Traffic was horrible. We found out one reason was because of the elephant being transported!!!

The Provo Temple.

Baby Samuel's blessing day. Elder Herrera was able to come and assist. The Mua's are doing well.

Our next adventure took us to Bakersfield for work the 3rd weekend in April. Thanks to the rains the wild flowers are beautiful!!!

The State flower is blooming well!

Rose Hills finally filled in "da Mudder's" grave! Notice the gopher mound at the top! Very fitting! Hi's headstone got fixed too.

That brings us to today. It was the stake Emergency Expo. They made the mistake of giving our ward Sanitation and Hygiene. We had lots of fun. Our color scheme was yellow and brown. We had great slogans like the one below and "We put the "P" in preparedness" and "It's your doodie to get prepared!" We also handed out tootsie rolls. We had covered them with our slogans. We have a ton leftover!!! Anyone doing a Emergency preparedness fair in the near future and need some crazy stuff????

And now I'm all caught up with the latest and greatest in our lives!
The next two weekends we'll be back in Bakersfield for work. We'll see what those adventures bring!!!!