Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day?

Well, if that just doesn't say it all!
Today is the day when we're supposed to celebrate Moms!
If people would just leave it at that...I'd be fine!
But people just can't leave it as a day to celebrate Moms!

In this world of everyone's a winner....and we can't leave anyone out....we have to make Mother's day... a day where we honor all women, because aren't all women mother's? Well, yes, according to Sheri Dew we are. I understand her point, but I don't believe that's what this day was created for.
So for all those who have now, or even those who have ever had Ovaries...

Celebrate!!! Today is your day!!!

1 comment:

Tasharoo said...

You crack me up and definitely need to contact Hallmark or American Greetings or someone! There are $millions$ of dollars out there just waiting for you and your Ovaries idea!!! LOVE IT!!