Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Great Dialysis Scam

Well, today my Mom had an extra dialysis session. She came home goofier than ever, but still very entertaining. She was so serious and it was so hard to keep from laughing. I did laugh a few times. She discovered today that now that she's been at "all 4 sessions"(whatever that means!) it's all a big SCAM! They're ripping off the Government and she doesn't want to go back to dialysis again because she's going to get in trouble for them scamming the FEDS. She went on and on. I asked her if she wanted to call the FBI! I told her that if she didn't go back she would die. Her answer to that was, "That's what they tell you!" It's all a scam! I think we have her convinced to go again tomorrow. It will be fun to hear what stories she has when she gets home! She went for an extra session because she's very congested and it will help remove fluids from her lungs! I guess it also clues her into the great Scam that's going on! She was only on for 2 hours today, 1:30 - 3:30. She got home at around 4:15. According to her, they didn't put her on until 3:00, but she was on for 2 hours. No one talked to her, there were just a bunch of old people there and some nurse she's never seen before said, "Hi Billie!" when she got there! It's all a Scam!!!!! She told me she was afraid of getting in trouble for ripping off the government because she was too smart to play dumb! It was hilarious and I wish I'd had a camera to tape it all for you! Even audio tape would have been hilarious too. The look on her face though! It was priceless!!!! She even told us that her cute Dr. Lange would make more money selling his body than ripping off the Government!

Just another day in Paradise!


Myhouse4nine said...

Wow, another conspiracy! Watch out for Dr. Pimp. He might start to recruit her between sessions! Keep the smile on!

Freth Stifter said...

In ways, I'm glad that Dad went so quickly ... It was a blessing to him and mom ... even though she is so lonely now ... but too independent for any of us to live with her at the moment. Perhaps in due time ... perhaps not.

Hang in there ... you are doing good stuff.

Tasharoo said...

Sounds like she's had a bad trip on laughing at the dentist.

I love the gas! That is, until I think I had too much. I came out thinking that the dentists are scamming all of their clients thinking we can't hear them while we are "under" but we really can! I remember thinking that while I'm under there is a whole other world and I try desperately to remember it but I never can. My sis is a dental assistant and BOY! do I hear the stories! I don't like the gas so much anymore.

Good Luck with your Mommy! I love ya! You are awesome and she is so lucky to have you!