Monday, June 30, 2008

You Reap What You Sow!

Woo Hoo!!! We picked our first two zuccinis today!

Yes, I'm standing behind our jungle we call a garden.
This is what it looked like just 2 1/2 weeks ago.

Our garden is insane. We can't even find our green peppers. The cherry tomatoes have taken over. We have 3 cute little purple peppers!!! We may harvest them tomorrow. One of our grape tomatoes is turning red!!!! There are so many crooked neck squash, but they're still little. The tomatoes are just outrageous!!!

You'll have to let me know if you'd like any of our harvest! Eddie doesn't eat most vegetables and the rest of us can only eat so much!!!!

It's fun to grow stuff. I just need to take better care of the garden, it gets out of control way too quick! I think I need to go find my gardening for dummies book!


Chris said...

Firstly, I had no idea that you guys had a blog. Second, its the raddest blog ever. Third, Vicky would be so jealous of your garden. Fourth, the photo of Ed with the mullet was totally awesome. Fifth, congrats on the anniversary. Sixth, the end.

Forest said...

Great garden. Now I know where to go when my food storage runs out!

Tasharoo said...

Send some zucchini my way! I loove it!
My dogs started playing in the garden (dorks!) and ran threw and broke off my squash plants (coulda killed 'em!) I have one plant left, I don't know yet if it is zucchini or yellow squash. I have tons of pumpkins though. Drive up for a visit in October and I'll send some home with you! (They are too heavy to ship!)

Sleepy said...

I too have been chosen!

Toadster said...

I have been chosen also!

I would like to see the full garden, Titanic and all!