Monday, September 28, 2009

Billie Mae Ridge Wanlass

Mom passed away this morning!


sleepless said...

Thank you Sandy and Eddie for all your time and efforts taking care of mom through all the good and bad,wierd,frustrating,yucky,hopeful, hopeless,stinky,tense,loopy ugly,and blessed times of it all. The gold stars you get for all your work there are the kind in the sky...the REAL kind !! You have my deepest thanks for doing your best with it all !! You are to be commended big time !! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU !!!

Myhouse4nine said...

Sorry she had to go, but really glad she is going to a better place. I realize this is going to throw your life into turmoil, but thank you for your love and service to her.