Thursday, August 26, 2010

FYI update

The cold sore is all dried out and looking much better. Still have a lumpy gland, but not freaking out over it today. It feels like it has a fever, so I'm just going to let my miraculous body take care of itself. It's probably just an infection and hopefully will be gone soon!!!! I'm about ready to kill escrow! 6 days left and now they want more paperwork signed and notorized!!! oivey! What exactly does a real estate agent get paid for? That's what Eddie asked today. He says it seems like I'm doing all the work!!!! I really don't want to drive out to Corona again, but I want to know that this paperwork is in and there are no delays with closing!


sleepless said...

Remind me not to use that real estate agent !!! He does not seem to be deoing his job real well !

sleepless said...

Hope you are doing even better today !!!