Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Guilty Taketh the Truth to Be Hard

So I was rebuked after Primary today. Okay, maybe that's a little harsh, but that's how it felt. Yes, they spoke hard things to me. I came home hurt, offended, bitter and prideful! I was told after Primary today that I need to do fun songs in between the serious ones. She said other stuff too, but all I heard was bascially....Your singing times suck! Your song choices suck! You need to get a handle on the children's lack of reverence! You need to be teaching fun songs not all this Jesus stuff! Okay so that's a little overboard, but as you can see I'm still bitter! All of this and the sunbeam that refuses to stay in his seat wasn't even there!!!! Shall I continue to murmur or should I shut up now? I sent a message to the Primary President via Facebook...not on her wall...give me a little credit. Yes, she's out of was the counselor that I'm oh so fond of who "suggested" I add more fun songs to singing time....which of course didn't help any! I told the Primary President they should split primary in two. Jr. & Senior Primary. I told the other counselor that 2 weeks ago. She said she didn't think our Primary was big enough!!!! I don't think it has anything to do with size. After I made that suggestion in a private message on facebook, I told the Pres. what I had been told today and that I was trying not to be bitter. (not doing very well at that...can you tell?) I told her if there were any other suggestions for me to let me else do you grow? Yes...I did actually say that! I'm trying to get my pride under control. Don't we sing: "He lives to hear my souls complaint?" Just licking my wounds. I'll survive! Can hardly wait for next Sunday! It's Easter Sunday...I guess we'll be singing about Snowmen...popcorn...wisemen...foolishmen...hinges....rolling our hands....Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, etc. I guess we can make up new activity moves to all the Easter songs!!! This too shall pass. And yes....I've already printed Elder Christofferson's conference talk.


sleepless said...

Sandy..just do what you feel you should..if they don't like it they can fire you and take away your pay. You are the one with personal inspiration for your particular calling. In any calling if 2/3 people don't disagree with you at all times are not doing your job correctly !!

Sleepy said...

Easter Sunday is Fast Sunday in our ward!

Sandy Plummer said...

wow! Do you have stake conference the first Sunday in May?

Sleepy said...

Yes. Our Stake President was sustained as an Area Seventy at Conference and so we are going to be gettign a new Stake President among other things. They are having a combined Escondido South and Escondido Stake Conference at 10 am the 1st. So rumotrs are flying.

Sandy Plummer said...

How fun for you!!!