Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 12, Feb. 12th The Last Formal!

yes, the last formal! I had my hair done...and so did Eddie!
He just got a hair-cut!!! He's so cute!
Probably my favorite photo!
At the Formal Dinner tonight we had Lobster! It was delicious, but I spilled delicious drawn butter down the front of me. Fortunately I had a spare blouse!!
I can honestly say I fell in love with my gray hair on this cruise. I got lots of compliments on my pretty hair color. I don't know if it was the sun, or the lighting, or the old people's poor eye-sight, but I really like being gray!

1 comment:

sleepless said...

I really like your probably favorite photo too !! Your hair looks really nice with the vibrant pink and blue blouses...excellant contrast................hey, I have no plans to dye mine..I earned every one of those grey hairs !!!