Saturday, June 14, 2008


Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. With Eddie gone, I wanted to get so much done, I really wasn't on the computer much. I did get lots done!!! I'm pretty proud of myself!

On Thursday the 12th, I was up really early and out and about running errands. I got home around 8:30, just as Bubba was leaving. He informed me that Mom was in her wheelchair. Okay?! Mom hasn't been in her wheelchair for exactly one month. After her last excursion, she hasn't had the stamina, and neither do I to get her in and out of bed. Transport takes her everywhere, which is dialysis and doctor's appointments. So, I walk in the house and their she is in her nightgown and shoes, (no socks!) I was amazed and also frustrated. Usually when we take her out we put her in pants so then we at least have a waistband to hold on to! She was up, so I wheeled her over to the table so she could eat breakfast!
Like that smirk on her face?! I think she was pretty proud of herself. Although, when she was putting her shoes on she pulled something in her back and now she's in pain and she's not as helpful as she was with helping me get her changed and dressed! Everytime she moans I give her, "And thus we see why we don't get in our wheelchair by ourselves!" I'm not very sympathetic!! She hasn't put her own shoes on in the last 6 months, actually longer than that! I make sure her socks and shoes are on, so it's her fault she pulled something and it hurts!
Before I had started my errands I had dug up a flower bed, well, that's what it is now! So, I wanted to finish it. I took Mom out with me to see our garden!!!!
It's grown a lot! The four tomato plants you see there that look like a jungle have blossoms all over! There's a crooked neck squash and a zuccini behing them. The tall skinny thing on the right is cilantro. Next to it is curly parsley and then basil. Behind the basil is Sage! The last part has two pepper plants; a purple and a green one. I've never heard of purple, but when I saw it, of course, I had to get it! The big bushy thing is the cherry tomato plant. The four tomato plants that form the jungle are Big Beefsteak, Roma, Yellow Pear (my favorite!) and grape! We're excited for them to produce something besides blossoms. There are two cherry tomatos that we've found, but they're still very green!! The zuccinis are out of control! We haven't harvested any yet, but we will soon!!!
Here's mom outside in her nighty!! That's the lemon bush on the left. Eddie is really trying to get the yards and plants under control. The lemons on the lemon bush are SO JUICEY!!! We've probably used more of them this year than we ever have before. We also love to throw them down the garbage disposal!!! It smells so good!!!
This is the flower bed I dug up! I hadn't finished yet in this picture. I should go outside and take a picture now of what it looks like. That's my mom's arm. She sat out there and watched me for awhile.
Right after I got home, and found "da Mudder" up, she started falling asleep. I told her that's one reason why we don't get her up, she falls asleep too easily. One of these days she's going to fall asleep and roll out of her wheelchair. Another reason is because she might be able to "throw" herself in the wheelchair, but it's another story having to use body strength to get out of the chair and into bed. Now remember, Eddie is in Utah when all this is going on, so I had to get her back in bed myself, and she didn't have pants on. It wasn't fun and it wasn't easy. I could go on, but I'll stop there. She did get back in bed, but she's not very helpful now when trying to work with her because of whatever she pulled in her back and no I'm not taking her to the doctor's to find out she pulled a muscle. I'm kinda tired of Doctor's at this point. She does have to see Dr. Shinn on Monday! That's regarding the surgery on her arm last Friday.
So there you have it, my whining and murmuring about my week. I'm glad to have Eddie back home. He's out right now teaching with the missionaries. My mom hasn't returned from dialysis yet. I should be outside doing something! Maybe I'll go take pictures!
I haven't had a coke in 14 days! The first day was the worst day! Between the no-caffeine and the sugar crash the first few days were rough. I'm trying to avoid carbonation too, but every now and then it's okay. Just my own personal choice! Not trying to do anything specatacular. Just get healthier! Baby-steps! Giving up my liquid caffeine is huge!!!!! I still eat chocolate!

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