Monday, January 19, 2009

A Sleeping Beauty kind of night!

I had a really bad day today. Just was not dealing well with the over-grown toddler.
When Eddie got home from work, I made him take me out, just so I could get away for awhile. We went up to Rose Hills! One of our favorite places to drive around. For those of you not familiar with this area, it's a cemetery! We went to the old section first because usually around 4pm or 5pm the deers come out from the surrounding hills and are feeding on flower arrangements! We weren't disappointed. There were 5 deer not very far into the park. They had really dark fur. I've never seen them with such dark fur. A couple years ago we were there and we saw so many deer. A few even had lots of antlers! 5 or 6 points I believe is the correct way to say it. That was later in the spring and there were fawns too! So that was the start of my Sleeping Beauty experience. Tonight at about 8:30 p.m. after our FHE, we went for our walk around the block. We were rounding the corner to our house and lo and behold, the largest cat I've ever seen with the biggest ears was in front of Eddie's car. This kitty had a mask too! Holy cow! I've never seen a raccoon in my front yard. It took off for the drain across from our house. It hid in there until we went in the house and then it wandered out and walked down the street. Eddie followed it with the camera, but he couldn't get close enough to get a picture. Now this is what I think Raccoons are supposed to look like:

This monster was at least 4 times this size. I found this picture on the web and this is about the size of our neighborhood raccoon!

I do not know who this lady is, but that's about the size of the varmint that was in front of our house. It was huge! Very fluffy looking! Huge mask. It's head was huge!!! So, now I'm waiting for birds to sing while I clean the kitchen. Well, we do hear the Geese flying over the house all the time. So, I guess I do have "singing" birds. If only I could put all these animals to work!

Another animal story from the weekend....the Elders who live around the corner from us, called around 9pm Saturday night. The neighborhood skunk had been startled and sprayed...something under their house!!! They said the smell was so horrible and they were very worried about all their clothes smelling forever. I told them the stench would dissipate in 30 to 45 minutes. It was pretty humorous. They called their Mission President and he's great advice was....this will make a great journal entry!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about Bambi instead of Sleeping Beauty? I know a Plummer is not a Plummer unless he has a decent shotgun :) .