Thursday, February 26, 2009

American Idol

So no one's blogging today and I'm bored. So bored, that I'm actually going to blog about American Idol. I used to love this show. Now, it's something I watch if nothing else exciting is on. The only quasi-interesting thing about the audition shows was David Osmond. He's too good for American Idol, so I'm glad he didn't get past Hollywood. He's just not AI material. I love his voice. I've been listening to him sing since the first time we saw "the Osmond Boys" at Mormon Night at Disneyland back in 1987? Anyway....the audition shows were mostly boring. That Tatiana chick is scarey. I'm glad she didn't go through last week. I figure they'll pull her back for the wild card show. I do like the Danny guy that made it through last week. I didn't even know his sad story. My niece had to tell me. I heard him sing, "I Hope You Dance" during the Hollywood weeks and was impressed. More impressed now that I know more of his story. Last nights show was horrid. Some of these people...I don't know how they got to this point! The red hair girl. Interesting voice. She sang, "Alone" okay. It wasn't quite the Carrie Underwood version, but it was probably the best of the night. The girl from Sandy, UT with the sleeve of ink. Very interesting voice! She could make it through. The split personality guy should go through just for entertainment alone. He should actually be # 13! Let him sing every week just for fun! Holy Cow. He's hilarious. The last singer of the night. He caught my eye Hollywood week when they sang in groups. I know he was in the cast of Wicked here in L.A. too. Also an interesting voice. Any of those 4 would be good to go on to the top 12! Both last week and this week I'm just amazed at the weird song choices they've been making. If they have the entire Billboard chart to work with....HELLO!!! I figure if they've come this far, or how a lot of them say, they've been singing for years, they would know what style of music is the one they sing the best....and then choose accordingly! Anyway! Biggest Loser has been more entertaining in the last few weeks than AI! Maybe I'm just getting too old!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

I'm sorry blogland was so boring today that you had to blog about American Idol!