Sorry, it's been too long since we've updated! Today we have lots of pictures!
I took this picture a few weeks ago. We had a couple really pretty days. It obviously had just rained, because the sky was blue, not brown! This is our front yard view. Some days you can't see the mountains, but this day you could. Before the houses were built across the street, we had an even better view. At least there isn't a house right across from us, so when the flood control district fills up, we even have lake front property!
The bush has been producing the best lemons these last few years. I'm sure it's Eddie's watering that has made them extremely juicy and the peels really thin. They're great to use in cooking and lemonade and making the garbage disposal smell good!
We also took out the red hibiscus. It has been infected with white flies for a few years, so we decided to remove it and eventually we'll buy some new hibiscus for the yard.
We also have this tree that planted and grew itself! Don't know what it is besides annoying! We've attempted to get rid of it several times, but obviously not very well and it was a very hardy tree.
Eddie took the chain saw to it!
He just LOVES ME!
Here are the new citrus trees and the plot he made next to the sidewalk for my herb garden!
Here are the herbs I finally planted. We're calling it our Scarborough Fair garden. Yes, we have Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme! I planted them that way on purpose, so I could remember what they were. We also have Sweet Basil, Cilantro, Chives, Purple Sage and some sweet onions!
This is a photo taken this weekend during conference of our 3 sleeping people. Eddie actually had just woken up, but my Mom and Zena are still sleeping! We had a great weekend. Lots of family and friends, good food and of course great speakers!
So that's our update! I'll try and keep you posted. At least I'll have garden pictures to post!!
I love the garden!
Wow, the backyard looks great, but I liked the spontaneous tree it looked well groomed and everything, oh well, you guys did a great job. I hope grandma likes the flowers--I think they add so much!
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