Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thought for the Day

Those who need.....Receive

Those who receive......Work

Those who work.....Have

Those who have.....Give

I can't remember who said this. I know it was something on the BYU channel and I think it was during the Discussion on the Scriptures, but I don't rememeber what scripture, or if that was even the show. It could have been a Devotional or Education Week or Women's Conference. I just heard and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it down! So...who ever said it...Thank You!


Mrs. JayMay said...

This Is a very good quote. I needed to hear this today! Thank you for posting!

The Old Wolf said...

Marion G. Romney, one of the great proponents of the Church Welfare system, once summarized the Lord's plan as follows: "Those who have, give. Those who receive, work for what they are given." This thought seems to be the kernel of what you have expressed here - but I like what you've posted, because of its cyclical nature. Thank you for posting this.