Saturday, November 8, 2008

Back to the 1800's we go!

So I guess it's our turn to feel the persecution of the early saints. It's so depressing. I don't understand why a group can call one group "haters" and yet we're not the ones threatening to burn down temples, churches, etc. We're not the ones saying, "You better watch your back!" "If you're getting married in California, you better get more security and your flowers, tuxes and cakes may all be ruined in some way. If that isn't hate, then I don't know what is. I guess this is what the Bible means when it says, "by their fruits ye shall know them." Had things gone the other way and Prop 8 not passed.....would we be out in the streets protesting same-sex marriages, boycotting businesses that were against Prop 8, etc.? No, we would go on with our lives as we always do. Perhaps school classroom sizes would shrink, perhaps there would be a vast migration elsewhere., who knows, I'm sure in a coming day we will find out.

Before the election I told Eddie that if it did pass, we might know a season of peace, but only for a season. It would only be a matter of time until they get their way. And like the temper-tantrum throwing children they are....eventually I'm sure they will get their way....but that won't be enough. They will move on to other causes and issues that really give them nothing more than what they already have, but take away our freedoms and our peace and our security.
I find it fitting that tomorrow's RS & Priesthood lessons are on The Second Coming and Millenium. I think it all can't come soon enough! There still is a lot to happen before then and yet I do believe it's not as far off as we might like to think.
I suppose now I'm feeling it might not have been so hard to leave a home, a land or everything I love for a place of hopeful peace without persecution. Believe me, I look forward to the day when I can leave this place.
Funny thing, prophets have warned through the ages of the calamities that will befall us if we do not support the family and I do believe that destruction will come. While the true haters go on persecuting....who will be the first to run to their aid when such destruction hits? Yes, that's right...we will!
I guess if they can re-define Marriage....they can redefine Hate and Tolerance and Diversity.
I say if you're going to talk the talk, you best be learning how to walk the walk. So much for tolerance!


Freth Stifter said...

What's with all those "mean" Mormons persecuting those lovable homosexuals in front of the Santa Monica Temple???

The election was over ... so they were just expressing their joy and concerns about the results ...

Abigail said...

They then "expressed their joy and concerns" around Temple square yesterday night Uncle. They're now comparing LDS members to Nazis.

Sandy Plummer said...

I also find it ironic that yesterday they teamed up with A.N.S.W.E.R. a group against War! Aren't they starting a war?
I'm so confused!

Stacey said...

Amen- apperiantly you only have the right to free speach and religion in California if you are a Liberal. I promise that there are still lands of peace in this country- i.e. Colorado. ;p