Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I was asked on Sunday to teach a 20 minute craft or decoration for Christmas at a Relief Society enrichment activity. Does anybody have any ideas? It doesn't have to be something they can do there....It can just be an idea for them to do later! HELP!!!!!


sleepless said...

Well you can do what we are doing for activity day...Rebecca makes them every year to give out...99 cent store..long boxes of peppermint patties..wrap in white paper..draw on a snowman face ..make a hat of fleece scrap and put on head,,make a scarf of fleece strip and cut ends for scarf..ta da...

Stacey said...

Last year I made a ginger snap tree, you use homemade frosting with confectioners sugar as the 'glue'. The tree shape is made by putting the cookies in a circle, then overlapping them as you move up and in a spiral shape. They can be made just for decoration and decorated with beads and glitter to simulate ornaments, or they can be edable and decorated with candy. Either way they make the room smell wonderful and dont get gross. Just be sure that the frosting isnt too wet or else it will have a melted look when it sets.