Saturday, May 10, 2008


It's that time of year! Time to plant a garden.
I haven't attempted a garden since 2001, so this will be interesting.
Eddie doesn't like vegetables so he's really not excited about it, but he's been a real trooper!

This is a picture of us today...a self-portrait of course! This is after we finished in the garden for the day.

This is not the sunken Titanic! These are the watering "pipes" Tody and I put in the garden in 2001 to water the tomatoes! Eddie turned the soil for me. We haven't planted anything in this plot yet!

This is Eddie raking one of the plots for our garden. I admire him for doing the work, when he won't eat any of the rewards!!!

This is the first plot that he worked on. I sent him to the store to get some soil to add to our already pretty good soil. We have lots of worms. Eddie says that's good!

I was going to do square foot gardening, but I'm scared. I don't think a square foot is big enough for most vegies! So...we'll try it this way this year and maybe if we're successful, I'll be braver next year.

We've planted a crooked neck squash, a zuccini, a yellow pear tomato (my favorite!), a grape tomato, a roma tomato, and a big beefsteak tomato in the plot on the left. On the right we have purple bell pepper, sweet green pepper, cherry tomato, 5 empty spots, then we have sage, basil, curly parsley and cilantro. I have a bunch of seeds to plant, onions and peas and lettuce, and other stuff. We'll see what gets planted!


FoxFamily said...

Nice garden!! They look so pretty!

Tasharoo said...

You are adventurous!!! Eddie HAS to try at least ONE of those vegetables! I'll send you some recipes to disguise them! I bet he would LOVE my squash casserole!