Saturday, July 26, 2008


Our latest adventure was making Enchiladas for dinner last night.

Eddie's made them before by himself and I've made them by myself, but we've never done them together! We used Eddie's recipe. He makes a different sauce than I do. It's good!

Before we started the cooking, we grated the cheese! This was the best part of the adventure! We've had the shredder/slicer attachment for our jumbo Kitchen Aid mixer, but we've never used it before! We had 5 pounds of monterey jack cheese. We weren't planning to grate it all, but it was so much fun we did! Some of it is in the freezer now!!!
It works great!
We each had our own jobs in putting the enchiladas together. Eddie was frying and drying the tortillas and dumping them in the sauce. My job was to retrieve them from the sauce fill them with cheese and roll them up and put them in their place in the pan. We did quite well if I do say so myself.

I had boiled and fried beans the night before. After putting the enchiladas in the oven for baking, I made some spanish rice! It was a delicious dinner and we'll probably be eating it all weekend! It's nice because we don't have to cook, but I kinda get tired of the same stuff!

Eddie is working right now. Electrician stuff. I got "da mudder" off to dialysis and now I'm waiting for Eddie to return, blogging and doing the laundry.
Tonight, much to Eddie's dismay, we are going to the Dance Festival in Redlands! I haven't been to a dance festival since the last one I was in, 1985! I've been in 3: 1976, 1980, 1985, all at the Rose Bowl. I attended one in I'll guess 1972. My brothers were in it, also at the Rose Bowl. It will be fun to be in the audience again! Have a great weekend!


Forest said...

Ymmm...looks delicious. It almost looks like you two have lived around Mexicans your whole lives.

Sandy Plummer said...

You are so funny! Eddie will love your comment Forest!

FoxFamily said...

That's a LOT of cheese!!! Yummy!z

Sandy Plummer said...

Yes, Eddie's never met a dairy product he didn't like, except for sour cream and probably yogurt! Cheese and milk are at the top of his list right under beans and weinies mixed with cottage cheese!

Maly and Dan said...

I love your white kitchen! Enchiladas yummy....... Hey we are having a couples dinner at Wendy's on Aug 15th, please come and join us. More details when you say yes. It's at 6:30PM.

Sandy Plummer said...

Yes! What are we supposed to bring?