Friday, July 18, 2008


So....this is a picture of our garden yesterday. A whole lot over grown and where does one plant end and another one start. Granted there are 4 tomato plants and 2 squash in one plot! Imagine the crowding!!! I tell Eddie we're going to create a new vegetable: The Tomaush or the Squato!!!
The cherry tomatoes in this photo are overgrowing everything!!! Something must be done!
We're not even sure what happened to the peppers. They're under there somewhere! It's starting to invade the herbs! The squashes too! They're not even in the same plot! So, yesterday we picked up some trellis' at Home Depot. We needed to somehow get them in their own spaces and untangled from each other and OFF THE GROUND! Fortunately it was overcast this morning, so we got everything tied up! Some of the vines are just laying across, but all of the beef steak are tied up! They weigh a ton!!!!
The cherry tomatoes on the right here are so out of control. They're all out of control. We actually discovered that the Roma tomatoes are a nice little bush and they didn't need to be corralled at all. Tons of fruit though! I just called a tomato a fruit! Whatever!
The beef steak tomatoes are tied up to two trellis' There are too many of them.
We did find the pepper plants under the cherry tomatoes. There are two peppers on the one and nothing has grown since the three purples one we already ate!
This is one of the reasons we needed to get control of gardenzilla as Eddie now calls it!
A conjoined triplet! The biggest, ripest one has worm holes.

This is our trashcan! Unfortunately we lost a lot of vines with fruit on them. They snapped alot when we were trying to untangle them. I read a lot today about tomatoes and zucchinis and growing them and all the things we should have done! We'll see if the plants recover from the shock we've put them through and if the fruits they're already baring will ripen! It's a learning experience and there's always next year!

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